Mitmachen beim heutigen SDG Flag Day 2024!
Im vergangenen Jahr 2023 haben weltweit rund 1.500 Unternehmen, Botschaften, NGOs sowie staatliche und zivilgesellschaftliche Institutionen am SDG Flag Day teilgenommen. Und in diesem Jahr?

Heute, am 25.09.2024, findet der diesjährige SDG Flag Day statt!
Nehmen auch Sie mit Ihrer Organisation daran teil!
Wir nehmen an der SDG-Flaggenkampagne des
UN Global Compact Network Austria teil, um unser Engagement für die
Agenda2030 zu zeigen. Mit nur noch 6 Jahren bis 2030 sind die SDGs unser Fahrplan für eine inklusive, gerechte und nachhaltige Gesellschaft.
„On September 25, 2024, it will be exactly nine years since the SDGs were adopted by 193 UN member states. The SDGs call for global collaboration between governments, businesses and civil society to deliver a powerful vision for improving our world by 2030. More than halfway to 2030, we need significant change if we are to achieve this agenda. The SDG Flag Day campaign started in the Netherlands in 2020 and has grown to include hundreds of businesses, government departments, civil society organizations, and schools raising an SDG Flag every September to mark the adoption of the SDGs and show their support for them. Ever since an increased number of UNGC CountryNetworks joined the initiative. Many participating organizations leveraged this opportunity to convey their sustainability goals, coordinate staff engagement activities, or host community events aimed at raising awareness about the SDGs and the Agenda 2030. We hope that by raising an SDG Flag, businesses, civil society organizations, educational institutions and government organizations will show their commitment to the Global Goals and the actions they're already taking to tackle major global challenges" ( UN Global Compact Network Austria, 2024)
Mehr Informationen zum SDG-Flag Day finden Sie hier.